First 250 days of software dev - Part 25

5 min read

Day 241

The page showing sales invoices was completed today. The page for adding sales invoices could not be completed. Tomorrow we will try to duplicate the (an accounting website) page. Then the functions will be added.

Day 242

Today I was a bit distracted and I was not thinking much about what he talked about in the meeting. Other than that, I'm going to replicate the front end of the parachute with the methods I've learned so far (like flex).

Day 243

Worked on the new add invoice page today. I tried to make a similar page to the one in Parasut, but it's not finished yet. But I think tomorrow at least the static part will be completed and the functionality will be started.

Day 244

Today I completed most of the static part of the invoice page, but it's not finished yet. It inevitably takes more time when designing it in detail. Tomorrow I will try to finish the invoice insertion page.

Day 245

Although the majority of the page is statically complete, it is taking more time than I expected. While my goal was to complete 1 page a day, the basic 'HTML/CSS/JS' part of a single invoice insertion page of the parachute took 3 days (90%). Either I was too slow or the page was really detailed even though it looked like it was not. I think the second option is correct. I will try to complete the static parts quickly until tomorrow lunch break and now show the information from the api on the page.

Day 246

The static part of the add sales invoice page has been completed. It was made as similar as possible to the relevant page of the parachute. The JavaScript parts inevitably took a little more time as they involve more logical operations. Dynamic data will be added tomorrow.

Day 247

Today I started showing the data received from API on the invoice insertion page. Customer search, tax rates, currency information are shown in the required sections. Category, product and tag search results will also be shown in the relevant sections on the page. The calculations may also need to be redone (as the functions for subtotaling and discounts for each individual product in Parachute have been added). Finally, it remains to send the data by post and show any errors. This page took too much time. A similar structure could be put in place for the expense invoices page so that at least less time is spent there.

Day 248

The inaccuracies in category search, product search, formatting of numbers were fixed today. Tomorrow first thing is to fix the problem of adding too many event listener in the code I wrote for the products search. Then I will complete the invoice calculations and sending the relevant post request to the api.

Day 249

Today I completed most of the price calculations of the products on the invoice adding page. When I write the gross total calculation part and the Turkish Lira equivalent of the total amount according to the selected currency, it will only remain to send the post request to save the invoice to the api.

Day 250

I completed the page today. There's still the part about sending the post and the viruses. This page was a failure for me. The JavaScript codes were too complicated and there was no trace of simplicity. I will learn from this page and try to write better on other pages.

Day 251

Today the sales invoice adding page was completed. There were errors in the relevant API methods and they were fixed.

The display of error messages in the front end code, sending the data in the appropriate format in the API request; When we encountered the problem that some columns in the database were not filled, the relevant repository and model were fixed.

Tomorrow I'll start a different page.

Day 252

Today, invoice adding pages have been completed. Filtering and search section has been added on the page where expense invoices are listed. However, since the accuracy of the data in the search section is low, the display of the results has not yet been done. Then the expense invoice editing page was started. It is estimated that the sales and expense invoice editing pages will be completed tomorrow.

Day 253

Today the majority of both invoice update pages have been completed. Although the calculations are done correctly, there are a few formatting issues left, but that will be fixed later. In addition, corrections were made in the backend code and database (Today was generally spent with these corrections). Tomorrow, after a few deficiencies of the sales invoice editing page are fixed, the invoice detail pages will be started.

Day 254

fortune favors the bold

Today, the deficiencies in the add/correct invoice pages were completed (some roughness remained in the number formatting part) and the invoice detail/payment page was started.

There was poor performance today. There were a lot of questions and issues on my mind. The departure of my supervisor (teacher) and not saying goodbye (ghosting) left a bad emotional scar. At a moment during the day when I couldn't pay attention to work, I reread the article you shared with us titled "What is an engineer, what does he/she do, how many types of engineers are there?"
"Today, I realize once again that my professors actually helped me find the best answer to the questions "who is an engineer and what does he/she do". The engineer solves problems. The problem-solving engineer is the synthesis of the eastern and western perspectives, writes, gives and reads reports. The engineer who gives a written report is acceptable. While writing a report, he/she defines problems, finds creative solutions, has the opportunity to see what he/she has not seen, has to interpret what he/she has written and draw conclusions, and the writing stays and the words fly away. The engineer who writes good reports reads good reports and questions well. The engineer who sees this fact has completed his/her individual institutionalization and is a very good managerial candidate. Senior managers who are aware of this fact know the value of the treasure in their hands. Those who cannot see it realize their material and moral losses later."
The woman who wrote the article's description of the ideal engineer fit my manager. It should have suited me too, because I wanted to be a good engineer. I had studied at school, but I realized that it was not enough to study at school. It was in this office that I saw engineering in its fullest sense for the first time. It was the first time I was so fascinated by magic, and then of course I learned it was illusion. By the time I realized the illusion, what I had learned had increased a lot compared to my previous level, and therefore the rush and panic in my mind started to decrease.

It reads like my suicide note and the report is quite out of context, but the final report may have the right to add a little bit of sentimentality.

One of the greatest chances and opportunities in my life was to meet you. I found a treasure. I tried to grab something from the treasure as much as I could. I tried to add something to the treasure with this intellectual poverty. Even though I don't know what my abilities are more or less, I tried. Hoping that fortune favors the one who tries, I will continue to learn with a great appetite, to find better solutions to problems, to create good relationships with people and myself. My biggest goal right now is to try to be as good as you and then to rise above that level (if any).

I think this 11-month period and you will remain very, very, very precious in my mind because I met you and established a beautiful bond.